She has successfully had her first chemotherapy treatment. It took all morning to administer it into the port on her chest.
So, we went to hang out with this crazy gal for awhile. As always, her attitude was unbelievable. Her cousin Chelsey will spending most of her free time at Hollie's to help around the house and with the girls. Chelsey, you are going to be a God send to Hollie and her family.

Of course, we will all be there for Hollie during this chapter in her life. I will do my very best to document as much of the journey as possible for her. (Looking forward to wig shopping day!)

My sister, well, she will be at Hollie's side at every single step for any need or want of this crazy woman. She will be there for her little girls. What's two more at Jeanne's home?
Keep Hollie in your thoughts and prayers. She is one of a kind. She will keep everyone updated on Caring Bridge also, so look for updates there! If you stop in to see her at Caring Bridge, drop her a line. Just click on her name in this post or go to Caring Bridge and type in her name holliepickert.
Stay tuned for information on an upcoming FUN fundraiser for Hollie also! We all know October is Hollie's favorite month! My question is what will she choose to be for Halloween this year? Lord only knows, but I have some ideas!
There is no medical substitute for a positive attitude and the support of family and friends.
Hollie, you are going to beat this cancer and I'm glad that Sue will be there all the way to document your incredible journey that is sure to give hope to so many others.
@sabrina She does have a great attitude! If anyone can do it, Hollie can!
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